** Welcome to the Commodore 8-bit file area at nic.funet.fi! ** ** See the FTP site list in the faq/ directory for more sites. ** ** This file archive is no longer actively updated. ** You may find more documents and software at ** . archiving/ Utilities for processing different Commodore file formats b/ The Model B, a quite rare business computer. c128/ Commodore 128 c64/ Commodore 64 c65/ Software for Commodore 65, a machine whose production was canned. A few prototypes were made, though, and they were sold in late 1993. crossplatform/ Cross platform tools, i.e. programs for other computers than 8-bit Commodores that have something to do with 8-bit Commodores csbruce/ Programs developed by Craig Bruce demodisks/ Test/demo disks shipped with different Commodore products. documents/ Technical documents and hardware hacks faq/ Frequently Asked Questions with answers firmware/ ROM images geos/ Geos related stuff for c64 and c128. html/ HTML documents related to Commodore magazines/ Disk magazines and others manuals/ User's manuals of Commodore equipment. maps/ Memory maps. pet/ File area for the Commodore PET series pictures/ Pictures of pre-Amiga Commodore equipment. plus4/ The Commodore 264 series (plus/4, C16 and C116). programming/ Programming information. schematics/ Schematic diagrams of Commodore devices. src/ Released source code of various Commodore firmware and software. transfer/ Utilities for transferring files from Commodores to the outer world. vic20/ Commodore VIC 20 ALLDIRS Index of all directories under the /pub/cbm tree, text version. ALLDIRS.html Index of all directories under the /pub/cbm tree, HTML version. ALLFILES Index of all files under the /pub/cbm tree, text version. ALLFILES.html Index of all files under the /pub/cbm tree, HTML version. CD-R.tar.gz Scripts for producing a CD-R image of the archive contents on GNU/Linux and similar systems. FILETYPES.html Information about archiving formats used on this area. MIRRORS.html List of public mirrors of this archive. README.html General information. READ THIS FIRST! index2html.tar.gz Perl scripts for generating the HTML navigation files used in this archive.