

HellWriter.prg 1994-05-11 35456
MessageMaker.sda 1998-01-11 13056
With this program you can create messages to be displayed e.g. in a store's window. This program is from 1984, so don't expect too much.
NightWriter.prg 1994-05-01 8704
Notewriter-collection1.Megaunit.lzh 1996-05-18 148733
Notewriter collection #01 by Cascade/Megaunit. Released 14.2.1994.
Octanoter 492.47.prg 1995-09-02 11731
Octanoter v492.47 by Morris/Agony
Voodoo-Noter-2.1.prg 1997-01-31 19047
Equinoxe's notewriter

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.