

musicsys.lzh 1993-09-06 85546
SIDplayer, SID editor and some example SID files.
powersid.sda80 1994-08-05 16510
Sid player for the 80 column screen by Aaron Peromsik. Run the file with the 80 column screen activated.
zounds.sda 1994-08-05 37888
ZOUNDS! is a digital audio recording/playback system for the C128. This archive includes software for playing digital sounds with a stock C128 and for digitizing sounds using special additional hardware. Plans for building the hardware (an A/D conversion board that plugs into the User port) are also included.
zstartrek.sda 1994-08-05 30720
Three digitized sounds for use with ZOUNDS!. These sounds come from the original Star Trek series. You need Zounds! to play these.

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