

LifeExpectancy.prg 1993-06-03 2322
Estimates how long you will live.
Stat.sfx 1994-08-22 10228
Baseball statistics program written by Troy Rutter <techy@iastate.edu>. Requires disk drive and printer.
TrgYouthPoemMkr.prg 1992-04-20 3072
Tool for generating youth poetry.
UpsideDown.prg 1993-10-24 151
Turns the screen upside down. Works only in PAL machines.
runemal.doc 1992-04-20 477
Describes runemal.c64.
runemal.prg 1992-04-20 13952
Cast and read rune stones effectively.

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.