
Leader is a Hungarian legal demogroup, with its homepage at http://c64.rulez.org/%7Econ/leader/. The members are:
- Qcy ........ code, lead
- Satyr ...... code, edit
- Victory .... code
- Flash ...... gfx, music
- CopAss ..... code, gfx
- Con ........ music
- McLoad ..... ex-swap


Anoxia.d64.gz 1998-01-12 65912
Anoxia.readme 1998-01-12 198
January 12th, 1998. CoN's 3rd music collection. Uploaded by CoN <con@c64.rulez.org>.
Infinity II.d64.gz 1998-01-13 73129
The second logo collection from Flash.
MiniBook.d64.gz 1998-01-13 118045
Noter Collection 1.d64.gz 1998-01-13 139092
A noter collection.
Toolbook 2 Beta.d64.gz 1998-01-13 147918

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.