
This is an old demo of GoDot, when the program still was distributed on a shareware basis.


GoDot-demo.d64.gz 1998-01-22 79861
GoDot is an image processing system, and this is a shareware demo version of it as a 1541 disk image. The GoDot home page is at http://users.aol.com/howtogodot/welcome.htm.
GoDot-demo.lnx 1998-01-22 165862
GoDot demo version in Lynx format.
GoDot-demo.readme 1998-01-22 9786
Release notes of the GoDot demo version.
GoDot-demo1.sfx 1998-01-22 42800
GoDot-demo2.sfx 1998-01-22 42990
GoDot-demo3.sfx 1998-01-22 40259
GoDot demo version in three self-extracting files.

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