

A4.lha 1996-11-14 40582
A primitive shareware Commodore plus/4 emulator for Commodore Amiga. Author: Thomas König http://members.ping.at/tomking/A4/.
C64Emulator.lha 1992-08-20 10531
A 'funny' C64 emulator for Amiga. Emulates the screen editor, but doesn't 'fully' execute basic commands.. (a link to /pub/amiga/misc/funstuff/Commodore64Emulator.lha)
FrodoV2_4.lha 1997-01-03 324025
FrodoV2_4.readme 1997-01-03 2325
Frodo is a multitasking freeware C64 emulator for the Amiga and DraCo. OS2.1 and a 68020 (or better) are required, as well as copies of the original C64 ROMs, which are not included. This emulator focuses on the exact reproduction of special graphical effects possible on the 64. Programmed and uploaded by Christian Bauer (bauec002@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de) http://www.Uni-Mainz.DE/~bauec002/FRMain.html.
MagiC64.lha 1996-12-19 381594
MagiC64.readme 1996-12-19 1228
MagiC64 is a C64 emulator for the Amiga, which tries to emulate a real C64 in an exact manner. Programmed and uploaded by Michael Kramer (michael_kramer@ac-copy.com).
ShowVIC-3.06.lha 1999-08-01 49439
Displays and converts different Commodore 64 graphics files on the Amiga.
TheA64Package.lha 1999-08-01 401701
Commodore 64 emulator for Commodore Amiga, version V2.0d, without support for communications over the Commodore serial bus. This is very obsolete, but it has some historical value. According to the Usenet article <jh25s56.23ub@sycom.mi.org> from November 1993, A64 is an enhancement of GO64, which was a commercial failure. The Fred Fish disk 156 http://www.funet.fi/pub/amiga/fish/101-200/ff156/ includes a program Go64 from August 1988 ("Not to be confused with the commercial product Go-64! from Software Insight Systems").
vicV0.65.lha 1995-01-14 100900
A Commodore VIC-20 emulator for the Amiga. Uploaded by Peter Weighill. Author: <etmpile@crosby.ericsson.se>

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