
This directory contains the instructions for building an internal memory expansion of 256 kilobytes for the Commodore 64 computer. There are different versions of the documentation, and some software to test the memory expansion.


256kB-a4.ps.gz 1999-12-22 110341
Documentation in PostScript format. For DIN A4 paper, 23 pages.
256kB-letter.ps.gz 1999-12-22 110981
Documentation in PostScript format. For letter paper, 32 pages.
256kB.html 1999-12-22 76376
Documentation in validated HTML 4.0
256kB.html-pia-t.gif 1999-12-22 12591
Schematic diagram thumbnail for the HTML document
256kB.html-pia.gif 1999-12-22 32623
Schematic diagram for the HTML document
256kB.tex 1999-12-22 97853
LaTeX 2.09 source code for the documentation.
256kB.txt 1999-12-22 74897
Documentation in ASCII, at most 80 columns/line.
ros-v1.sfx 1994-05-01 39170
Source code for RAM disk and some other utilities
util256.sfx 1994-05-01 44684
RAM disk, miscellanous utilities and some source code

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.