
The lack of real RS-232C interface on the C64 has inspired many people to design their own interfaces and to write instructions how to build them.


c64-uart-1.tar.gz 1999-06-25 48433
André Fachat's RS-232C interface for the Commodore 64, using the 16550A UART. The board interfaces to the 6581 SID socket. Software is included.
datapump.readme 1993-07-09 406
datapump.sfx 1993-07-09 22962
Directions on making a fast EIA RS 232-C / CCITT V.24 interface to your C64 using an R6551 ACIA (the same chip as the Swiftlink cartridge from CMD uses)
datapump2.zip 1996-11-14 12156
A better version of the above by Frank Kontros <jeno@kontr.uzhgorod.ua>. The schematic diagram is in a GIF file.
rs232-userport-9600.zip 1997-01-22 8328
9600bps userport RS-232C adapter. Based on the traditional userport adapter, but with Daniel Dallmann's modification. Schematic diagram (GIF file) drawn by Frank Kontros <jeno@kontr.uzhgorod.ua>.
rs232-userport.txt 1994-04-21 8183
A schematic to build a cheap RS-232C interface for the c64
with 1488/1489 chips.

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