
Here are the ROMs for the Commodore 264 series, which includes the C16, C116 and the plus/4.


Firmware of the Commodore 232 prototype
Firmware of the Commodore 364 prototype
Disk drive firmware
Schematic diagrams


1551.318008-01.bin 1996-10-26 16384
1551 disk drive DOS ROM. The drive is connected to the expansion port via the TCBM interface (triple interface adapter chip).
3-plus-1.317053-01.bin 1996-10-26 16384
The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM low.
3-plus-1.317054-01.bin 1997-07-21 16384
The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM high.
3-plus-1.bin 1996-05-06 32768
The 3-PLUS-1 word processor. This has been saved from a running system, and therefore the bytes under the I/O area at $fd00-$ff3f are wrong. The part number is unknown, but this should be the newer of the two usual versions.
README 1998-06-13 858
plus/4 parts and firmware versions
basic.318006-01.bin 1994-10-27 16384
Commodore 16 BASIC V3.5.
kernal.318004-03.bin 2001-09-12 16384
Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. PAL-G version, revision 3.
kernal.318004-04.bin 2000-01-17 16384
Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. PAL-G version, revision 4.
kernal.318004-05.bin 1994-10-27 16384
Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. PAL-G version, revision 5.
kernal.318005-04.bin 1997-04-01 16384
Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. NTSC-M version, revision 4.
kernal.318005-05.bin 1997-04-01 16384
Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. NTSC-M version, revision 5.
pla.c 2002-07-02 3358
This C program contains the logic equations for the 82S100 PLA chip used in the 264 series, and converts them to a 64-kilobyte truth table file.
pla.txt 1998-01-28 3194
Commodore 16 and plus/4 PLA truth table and memory configuration information supplied by William M. Levak <wlevak@umich.edu>.

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