rotpages.about Rotate Pages Info Here are the directions for rotpages, which rotates sideways and prints two Paint PAGES PAGEs per page! Not necessary if you know how, but I recommend reading. Uses BSW 9, University and Durant. If you have a RAM disk, a printer capable of printing 80 cards and use Paint PAGES, this program clips and rotates and prints two to a page all the "PAGE xy" files it finds on your RAM disk. You may then fold the pages into a little book. Directions are in rotpages.about, source code (not for the squeemish) is in rotpages.src. Enjoy! Hank -::- This file did not work for me. It printed out half of the picture, preceeded forward a quarter of a page & then started printing another half a picture which even printed over the page cutoff. What gives?! -::- That is what it is supposed to do!!! rotpages clips the "PAGE" file generated by "Paint PAGES" so that two "PAGE"s will fit on an 8-1/2x11 page. You have to set GEOWRITE to give you the size needed. rotpages finds all of your "PAGE"s on the RAM, twists them sideways and sends them to your printer. Hank -::- I am delighted with the idea behind this program. I understand what the previous person did not that the program will clip part of the page. My question is why does it advance -- I don't know how many lines between the pages with the result that the 2 pages don't fit on 11 " but more like about 12 1/2"? What am I doing wrong? Why do you say "xy" pages? How do I repress the extra lines so that it fits on 11"? It might be very useful to me if it actually did that. Thanks. -::- It would've been nice if there was clarificaton that this program does not reduce the page to half page size as it prints, but only clips that much off and prints it sideways. I also have excessive line feed problems. In my case, it feeds the other half of the page and starts printing again. While it is a program that alot of people would like to see, I hope it can be improved to fit everyone's expectations. It might even make the author some money? John C. aka NightHwk -::- Thanks for helping me figure out how this actually works on your system! Also, thanks for helping see how not to explain what it does. Basically, I am being told there is a problem in counting the number of lines on your page, and that there is an expectation for this program to compress. Thanks again for the comments!!= Hank