

CZ Editor-1.2.cvt 1998-01-17 15027
CZ Editor-1.2.doc.cvt 1998-01-17 10242
CZEDITOR v1.2 by Douglas Adams. A MIDI sequence editor for the Casio CZ synthetizer. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format.
CZ Librarian-2.0.cvt 1998-01-17 9288
CZ Librarian-2.0.doc.cvt 1998-01-17 16930
CZLIBRARIAN v2.0 by Douglas Adams. A MIDI sequence librarian for the Casio CZ synthetizer. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format.
Musical Notes.cvt 1998-01-17 1604
GeoFont 1.4. Musical character set for Sid Printer program.
SID Printer.cvt 1998-01-17 3667
SID Printer V1.1 by Charles L. Boling. Print sheet music from any SIDPlayer file. Supports 6-voice Stereo!
Tuner-2.1.cvt 1998-01-17 4864
Tuner-2.1.doc.cvt 1998-01-17 1368
TunerDA V2.1 by Randy L. Smith. Tunes your guitar... The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format.
geoMIDI.cvt 1998-01-17 20452
geoMIDI V1.1 by Jim Holloway. (<RESTORE> stops sequencer.)
geoSidPlayer.cvt 1998-01-17 7050
geoSidPlayer V1.0 by Roger L. Lawhorn. Play SidPlayer .mus files from GEOS.
geomusic.d64.gz 1998-05-19 23966
geomusic.readme 1998-05-28 375
GeoMusic plays USA Music Assembler files. Some tracks by Andrew Fisher are included. Uploaded by Danny Tod / Cage Developments,

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.