
The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology was composed by Karl J.H. Hildon, the editor of The Transactor magazine ../../magazines/transactor/index.html. He has given the permission to distribute these files, but he is still selling reprints of this book. Contact him for details at mailto:karl.hildon@tdsb.on.ca.
These images were obtained from Craig Bruce. The metadata (textual table of contents) and the browsing system were created by Marko Mäkelä.


100 pixels high thumbnail images of the pages.
200 pixels high thumbnail images of the pages.
400 pixels high thumbnail images of the pages.


index.css 2003-06-17 543
Style sheet for the thumbnail directories.
j1.jpg 2002-07-08 265108
Cover Page
j2.jpg 2002-07-08 257453
Calendar 1984-1987 and Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
p000a.jpg 2002-07-08 228668
p000b.jpg 2002-07-08 148708
Table of Contents, page 1 of 2
p000c.jpg 2002-07-08 168297
Table of Contents, page 2 of 2
p001.jpg 2002-07-08 160014
BASIC Section: Commands and Statements
p002.jpg 2002-07-08 141654
BASIC Section: String Functions, Arithmetic Functions
p003.jpg 2002-07-08 162420
BASIC Section: Arithmetic Operations, Special Symbols, Hierarchy of Operations, Reserved Variables, BASIC 4.0 Disk Commands
p004.jpg 2002-07-08 161752
BASIC Section: BASIC RAM Memory Allocation, BASIC Text Line Structure, Variable Formats, 'FOR' Stack Entry, 'GOSUB' Stack Entry, Reserved Variables: ST, DS, DS$
p005.jpg 2002-07-08 139155
BASIC Section: Additional B Series Commands, Additional +4/C16 Commands
p006.jpg 2002-07-08 128904
BASIC Section: B/+4/C16 Escape Key Sequences
p007.jpg 2002-07-08 128566
BASIC Section: BASIC 2.0/4.0 Error Messages
p008.jpg 2002-07-08 201115
BASIC Section: B Series/+4/C16 Error Messages
p009.jpg 2002-07-08 182416
BASIC Section: BASIC Abbreviations
p010.jpg 2002-07-08 125888
BASIC Section: C64 Super Expander Commands
p011.jpg 2002-07-08 231678
COMAL Section: Reserved Variables, COMAL Commands
p012.jpg 2002-07-08 272761
COMAL Section: Sprite Commands, Turtle Graphics Commands, COMAL 2.0 Library Descriptions
p013.jpg 2002-07-08 176084
COMAL Section: COMAL 2.0 Memory Map (1 of 2)
p014.jpg 2002-07-08 258365
COMAL Section: COMAL 2.0 Memory Map (2 of 2)
p015.jpg 2002-07-08 202589
COMAL Section: COMAL 0.14 Memory Map
p016.jpg 2002-07-08 168391
Printer Section: Matrix Printer Control Characters, Matrix Printer Format Characters, Letter Quality Printer Commands, Greek Alphabet Characters
p017.jpg 2002-07-08 157638
Business Software Section: Wordprocessing Reference Guide (1 of 2)
p018.jpg 2002-07-08 169376
Business Software Section: Wordprocessing Reference Guide (2 of 2)
p019.jpg 2002-07-08 162556
Business Software Section: Spreadsheet Commands
p020.jpg 2002-07-08 223754
Business Software Section: +4: 3+1 Software Commands
p021.jpg 2002-07-08 222330
Machine Language Section: Machine Language Monitor Commands, Assembler Commands
p022.jpg 2002-07-08 211123
Machine Language Section: CPU Model, Pocket Op-Codes Chart, 6502 Extra Op-Codes, Hexadecimal Conversion Table
p023.jpg 2002-07-08 208601
Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Summary (1 of 2)
p024.jpg 2002-07-08 211270
Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Summary (2 of 2)
p025.jpg 2002-07-08 215667
Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Descriptions, Addressing Modes
p026.jpg 2002-07-08 271602
Machine Language Section: User Callable ROM Routines
p027.jpg 2002-07-08 228091
Machine Language Section: BASIC 2.0/4.0 Kernal Routines, VIC 20/Commodore 64 Kernal Routines
p028.jpg 2002-07-08 262360
Machine Language Section: Keyword Tokens and Entry Points
p029.jpg 2002-07-08 144033
Superchart BASIC 2.0/4.0 (PET/CBM, 1 of 2)
p030.jpg 2002-07-08 166132
Superchart BASIC 2.0/4.0 (PET/CBM, 2 of 2)
p031.jpg 2002-07-08 197069
Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 RAM and I/O
p032.jpg 2002-07-08 266114
Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 ROM Routines
p033.jpg 2002-07-08 198461
Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 Zero Page Contents (1 of 2)
p034.jpg 2002-07-08 224792
Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 Zero Page Contents (2 of 2)
p035.jpg 2002-07-08 240266
Memory Maps: VIC 20 RAM, ROM
p036.jpg 2002-07-08 163120
Memory Maps: VIC 20 RAM, I/O
p037.jpg 2002-07-08 140614
SuperChart: VIC 20/Commodore 64 (1 of 2)
p038.jpg 2002-07-08 161697
SuperChart: VIC 20/Commodore 64 (2 of 2)
p039.jpg 2002-07-08 253443
Memory Maps: Commodore 64 RAM, ROM
p040.jpg 2002-07-08 133350
Memory Maps: Commodore 64 I/O
p041.jpg 2002-07-08 219219
Memory Maps: Commodore VIC 20/C64 Zero Page Contents (1 of 2)
p042.jpg 2002-07-08 251507
Memory Maps: Commodore VIC 20/C64 Zero Page Contents (2 of 2)
p043.jpg 2002-07-08 218737
Memory Maps: B Series RAM, ROM, I/O (1 of 2)
p044.jpg 2002-07-08 212421
Memory Maps: B Series RAM, ROM, I/O (2 of 2)
p045.jpg 2002-07-08 246782
Memory Maps: +4/C16 RAM
p046.jpg 2002-07-08 275211
Memory Maps: +4/C16 ROM, I/O
p047.jpg 2002-07-08 184548
Disk Drives Section: Disk Specifications, Directory Header Formats, Directory Sector Formats
p048.jpg 2002-07-08 166377
Disk Drives Section: Block Availability Map Formats, Sector Recording Format
p049.jpg 2002-07-08 244584
Disk Drives Section: Data File Format, PET/CBM Disk Access Routines, Utility Command Set, User Command Jump Table, LED Error Diagnostics, Track/Sector Distribution Table, GCR Codes
p050.jpg 2002-07-08 185634
Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (1 of 4)
p051.jpg 2002-07-08 240526
Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (2 of 4)
p052.jpg 2002-07-08 242189
Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (3 of 4)
p053.jpg 2002-07-08 253923
Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (4 of 4)
p054.jpg 2002-07-08 193742
Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (1 of 3)
p055.jpg 2002-07-08 224303
Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (2 of 3)
p056.jpg 2002-07-08 233644
Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (2 of 3)
p057.jpg 2002-07-08 222005
Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (1 of 3)
p058.jpg 2002-07-08 227102
Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (2 of 3)
p059.jpg 2002-07-08 249154
Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (3 of 3)
p060.jpg 2002-07-08 187452
Music Section: Music Symbols
p061.jpg 2002-07-08 225187
Music Section: Note Frequency Table, Chord Note Derivatives
p062.jpg 2002-07-08 242245
Music Section: CB2 Note Values, VIC 20 Note Values, Commodore 64 SID Note Values, Commodore 64 ADSR Envelope Values, +4/C16 SOUND Values
p063.jpg 2002-07-08 212817
Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Border Colours, 6845 Video Chip Registers, Colour Codes, 8032 Screen Control Characters, Secondary Address Table
p064.jpg 2002-07-08 172031
Video Section: VIC 20 Screen Memory Addresses, VIC 20 Character Base Addresses, Commodore 64 Screen Memory, Commodore 64 VIC II Chip Addresses, Commodore 64 Character Base, Character ROM Contents
p065.jpg 2002-07-08 222108
Video Section: Sprite Design
p066.jpg 2002-07-08 211549
Video Section: Programmable Character Design, PET/CBM 40 Column Screen Map
p067.jpg 2002-07-08 258908
Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Colour Table Maps without Expansion Memory
p068.jpg 2002-07-08 265270
Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Colour Table Maps with Expansion Memory
p069.jpg 2002-07-08 331620
Video Section: C64 Screen and Colour Table Maps
p070.jpg 2002-07-08 294970
Video Section: 80 Column Screen Map
p071.jpg 2002-07-08 294298
Video Section: B Series 80 Column Screen Map
p072.jpg 2002-07-08 329608
Video Section: +4/C16 Screen and Colour Table Map
p073.jpg 2002-07-08 270487
Video Section: True ASCII Conversion Table (1 of 2)
p074.jpg 2002-07-08 279386
Video Section: True ASCII Conversion Table (2 of 2)
p075.jpg 2002-07-08 323096
Telecomputing Section: Network Phone Numbers (1 of 2)
p076.jpg 2002-07-08 324504
Telecomputing Section: Network Phone Numbers (2 of 2)
p077.jpg 2002-07-08 284303
Telecomputing Section: CompuServe Commands
p078.jpg 2002-07-08 200859
Telecomputing Section: CompuServe Category Index
p079.jpg 2002-07-08 226417
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (1 of 5)
p080.jpg 2002-07-08 227321
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (2 of 5)
p081.jpg 2002-07-08 230506
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (3 of 5)
p082.jpg 2002-07-08 223269
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (4 of 5)
p083.jpg 2002-07-08 235327
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (5 of 5)
p084.jpg 2002-07-08 196008
Telecomputing Section: Time Zone and Area Code Map
p085.jpg 2002-07-08 225590
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (1 of 5)
p086.jpg 2002-07-08 226486
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (2 of 5)
p087.jpg 2002-07-08 224099
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (3 of 5)
p088.jpg 2002-07-08 236660
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (4 of 5)
p089.jpg 2002-07-08 221944
Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (5 of 5)
p090.jpg 2002-07-08 173178
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (1 of 7)
p091.jpg 2002-07-08 184923
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (2 of 7)
p092.jpg 2002-07-08 176069
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (3 of 7)
p093.jpg 2002-07-08 177055
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (4 of 7)
p094.jpg 2002-07-08 175557
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (5 of 7)
p095.jpg 2002-07-08 175698
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (6 of 7)
p096.jpg 2002-07-08 171815
Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (7 of 7)
p097.jpg 2002-07-08 193249
Hardware Section: Tape Recording Format, Cassette Port, IEEE Standard Definitions
p098.jpg 2002-07-08 170485
Hardware Section: IEEE 488 Bus Signals, IEEE Byte Transfer Sequence, IEEE Cable Connector Pinouts, IEEE Port Pinouts
p099.jpg 2002-07-08 194937
Hardware Section: PET/CBM User Port, 6522 Registers, Commodore 64 User Port, Commodore 64 Expansion Port, VIC 20/C64 Keyboard Matrix
p100.jpg 2002-07-08 150333
Hardware Section: VIC 20 I/O Ports, Commodore 64 I/O Ports
p101.jpg 2002-07-08 154883
Hardware Section: 6520 PIA Registers
p102.jpg 2002-07-08 183040
Hardware Section: 6522 VIA Control Registers
p103.jpg 2002-07-08 184773
Hardware Section: 6526 CIA Control Registers
p104.jpg 2002-07-08 189275
Hardware Section: Commodore 64 Board Layout, Resistor Colour Codes, Transistor Lead Assignments
p105.jpg 2002-07-08 197342
Hardware Section: RS 232 and ACIA Control Registers
p106.jpg 2002-07-08 182848
Hardware Section: B Series I/O Ports
p107.jpg 2002-07-08 189752
Hardware Section: Chip Pinouts (1 of 2)
p108.jpg 2002-07-08 172283
Hardware Section: Chip Pinouts (2 of 2)
p109.jpg 2002-07-08 219906
Hardware Section: Semiconductor Testing Guide (1 of 2)
p110.jpg 2002-07-08 190918
Hardware Section: Semiconductor Testing Guide (2 of 2)
p111.jpg 2002-07-08 203525
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Inch Fractions, International System of Units
p112.jpg 2002-07-08 238830
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Names for Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, Constant Values, Boolean Truth Table, Force Formulae, Mathematical Functions, Trigonometry Rules
p113.jpg 2002-07-08 194604
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (1 of 5)
p114.jpg 2002-07-08 191462
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (2 of 5)
p115.jpg 2002-07-08 208597
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (3 of 5)
p116.jpg 2002-07-08 191852
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (4 of 5)
p117.jpg 2002-07-08 198776
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (5 of 5)
p118.jpg 2002-07-08 117477
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (1 of 3)
p119.jpg 2002-07-08 153852
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (2 of 3)
p120.jpg 2002-07-08 137395
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (3 of 3)
p121.jpg 2002-07-08 234880
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Periodic Table of The Elements (1 of 2)
p122.jpg 2002-07-08 219723
Arithmetic and Mathematics: Periodic Table of The Elements (2 of 2)
p123.jpg 2002-07-08 112852
Advertisement for The Transactor and The Transactor Disk
p124.jpg 2002-07-08 267569
Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (1 of 5)
p125.jpg 2002-07-08 262979
Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (2 of 5)
p126.jpg 2002-07-08 261315
Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (3 of 5)
p127.jpg 2002-07-08 185489
Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (4 of 5)
p128.jpg 2002-07-08 165745
Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (5 of 5)
q1.jpg 2002-07-08 201226
Order Form for the USA and Canada: Front Page
q2.jpg 2002-07-08 49056
Order Form: Back Page (no stamp needed when mailed in the USA or Canada)

Mirror sitesGeneral informationFile typesData transfer

The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.