
These files were uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995 and converted to gzipped Lynx format by Marko Mäkelä in 2001.


basicles.lnx.gz 2001-09-01 31318
Basic lessons in English. These are for old PETs, which you can recognise by the pokes that go to the "shadow" of the screen memory, that is not present anymore in newer PETs. It's pretty funny though from time to time.
basicles2.lnx.gz 2001-09-01 14973
Different (older? 1977) lessons for Basic.
machineles.lnx.gz 2001-09-01 33552
Machine language lessons in German. Note that their load address is $0400 instead of $0401, presumably because they were saved from a BASIC 1.0 machine. Also note that there are two lines numbered 4. How can these be loaded to a PET?

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