

Pictures of a Commodore C65 prototype. The project was canned, but the prototypes were sold in Autumn 1993 when Commodore liquidated one of its warehouses. The pictures are scanned from the German 64'er magazine, issue 3/94. Read the article and also the interview of a chief engineer Fred Bowen in issue 4/94 to get more information. Note that these pictures have poor quality, since they were scanned from the magazine.
Pictures of custom computers or hacks.
Pictures of George Page's Commodore collection, part 1. The collection ranges from cash registers and walkie-talkie radios to floppy drives, the PET 2001 and the Commodore 65.
Pictures of George Page's Commodore collection, part 2.
Pictures scanned from Commodore manuals.
Other Commodore-related pictures

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.