
The Commodore 2040/3040/4040 floppy disk drive


320806-1.gif 1998-03-27 305133
320806-2.gif 1998-03-27 318862
320806-3.gif 1998-03-27 253315
digital circuit board schematics
320806-layout.gif 1998-04-27 138597
digital circuit board parts layout
320816-layout.gif 1998-04-28 74526
analog circuit board parts layout
320816.gif 1998-03-27 295392
analog circuit board schematic
memorymap.txt 2003-12-27 1230
2040/3040/4040 memory map, composed by William Levak.
parts.txt 1999-12-02 969
2040/3040/4040 parts list, composed by William Levak.
shugart-1.gif 1998-03-27 100593
drive mechanism parts list
shugart-2.gif 1998-04-27 139718
drive mechanism parts layout

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The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.